I think my cat's been reading Shakespeare. She's mastered the art of "much ado about nothing."

Cats are like potato chips. You can't have just one... unless you're a cat.

My cat's philosophy: If you can't catch the red dot, just stare it down until it feels guilty.

I tried to tell my cat a joke, but she just gave me a "you've got to be kitten me" look.

My cat's favorite song? "Don't Stop Believin'" by the Flea-gles.

My cat's fitness goal: Achieve a six-pack by chasing her tail in endless circles.

I asked my cat if she's an introvert. She said, "No, I'm just very purr-sonal."

My cat's life motto: "If it fits, I sits... no matter how ridiculous it looks."

My cat's secret talent? Turning the living room into an elaborate obstacle course at 2 AM